Terms & Privacy Policy

General Visitor Terms

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You agree that InvestIn.Gold reserves the right to ban users for any reason we see fit at any time.

You agree that we are not responsible for any trades or investments you make in any of the markets and that all trades and investments you make are done at your own will.

You agree that all information contained on this website is not meant to be legal advice.

You acknowledge that investing in Gold or other precious metals may be financially risky.

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We have no business relationship or professional relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned on this website.

We are not compensated in any way whatsoever in return for mentioning any stocks on this website.

All stocks mentioned on this website should be researched and investigated by you prior to investing in them.

You should not interpret any of our publications or statements as investment advice.

Investing in stocks or ETF's is financially risky and you should do so according to your own will.

We do not guarantee or promise any monetary profits or financial rewards by investing in anything mentioned on this website.

We are not your financial planner, investment advisor, stock broker, or securities analyst.

This website is intended for adults age 18 or older.

All statements and claims on this website are to be considered as opinion and not factual.

This website contains affiliate links. When you click on these links and make a purchase, we may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. We only promote companies that we have personally used or researched and believe will add value to our readers.

The content we provide here isn’t financial advice and cannot be taken as such. Please speak to your financial advisor before making any investment decision. Also, note that every investment comes with its own risks and drawbacks. Lastly, we would like to remind you that past results cannot guarantee future returns.

Privacy Policy

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This site may contain dynamically updated links to other web sites and files. We have no control over the privacy policies or activities of 3rd party websites, links, or files and therefore will not be held responsible for any of their actions.